UI/UX Designer:in
Designers with degrees in the fields of communication and information design, etc.
We are a team of young designers and computer scientists who have found their passion in developing innovative communication tools.
The tasks range from designing future-oriented interaction scenarios to the implementation of specific interfaces and applications.
With us, you have the opportunity to work independently on a wide range of topics or to work with teams from a wide range of expertise on larger projects.
Our approach to tasks is very project-specific and never standardized.
Please send us your detailed application by e-mail.
Contact person is Sebastian Gläser (info@designandsystems.de).
Mitarbeitende aus den Schwerpunktbereichen Informatik und Kommunikationsdesign arbeiten gemeinsam daran, komplexes gesellschaftliches und ökonomisches Handeln verständlich zu machen und den Entwurfsprozess im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gestaltung und Wissenschaft weiterzuentwickeln.
A company in the Steinbeis Transfer GmbH network
Friedenstrasse 5
97072 Würzburg
Fon: +49 (0)931.784 710 51
Fax: +49 (0)931.784 710 53
Email: info@designandsystems.de
Institute management
Professor Erich Schoels
Dipl. des. Sebastian Gläser M.A.
Steinbeis Transfer GmbH
Adornostraße 8
70599 Stuttgart
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart
Registergericht: Stuttgart HRB 25312
Geschäftsführung/Management Board:
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Edwin Jettinger