Virtual Trade Fair


Koenig & Bauer




Trade Fair Display



Involved People

Manuel Michel M.A.

Stefan Wagner M.A.

Dipl. Des. Sebastian Gläser M.A.

Prof. Erich Schöls

Digital Trade Fair Concept

The Covid pandemic has made it clear how quickly entire sectors of the economy are collapsing and moments of socialising are being lost. Trade fair appearances in particular had to be completely cancelled during this difficult time and the only alternatives were often Zoom conferences or PowerPoint presentations. ‍

For Koenig & Bauer Coding, we developed a concept for a digital trade fair presence with maximum immersive impact. The virtual environment not only offered product presentations, but also spaces for presentations and individual dialogue between visitors. In addition, an advisory AI bot was integrated, which was available at all times and could provide detailed information about the products. The main objective was to create the most authentic and human communication possible, while at the same time transforming the virtual environment into an informative world of experience.

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Design and Systems Research Center

A company in the Steinbeis Transfer GmbH network

Friedenstrasse 5
97072 Würzburg

Fon: +49 (0)931.784 710 51
Fax: +49 (0)931.784 710 53

Institute management
Professor Erich Schoels
Dipl. des. Sebastian Gläser M.A.


Steinbeis Transfer GmbH

Adornostraße 8

70599 Stuttgart

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart

Registergericht: Stuttgart HRB 25312
Geschäftsführung/Management Board:

Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Edwin Jettinger

Imprint / Data protection

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