Future Talk


Daimler AG





Involved People

Prof. Erich Schöls

Dipl. Des. Sebastian Gläser M.A.

Manuel Michel M.A.

Christopher Potrawa M.A.

Stefan Wagner M.A.

Dipl. Des. Christiane Keller M.A.

Julian Michel M.A.

Dipl. Des. Lucas Dittebrand

Lukas Dürrbeck M.A.

Thomas Lipp

Ruben Schmidt B.A.

Thomas Winkelharrer B.A.

Lecture on the Digital Future of Autonomy

As part of its research activities, Mercedes-Benz AG regularly presents new developments to the public. For the Future Talk event in 2016, the Design + Systems research institute developed a series of prototypical works for autonomous vehicles. The aim was to create new concepts for mobile experience spaces that can be seen as useful extensions to conventional driving.‍

In a 3D driving simulator planned and realised by the institute, representatives of the national and international press were able to test completely new driving experiences.‍

In addition, applications were presented that focused on the mixture of analogue and digital information.

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Design and Systems Research Center

A company in the Steinbeis Transfer GmbH network

Friedenstrasse 5
97072 Würzburg

Fon: +49 (0)931.784 710 51
Fax: +49 (0)931.784 710 53
Email: info@designandsystems.de

Institute management
Professor Erich Schoels
Dipl. des. Sebastian Gläser M.A.


Steinbeis Transfer GmbH

Adornostraße 8

70599 Stuttgart

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart

Registergericht: Stuttgart HRB 25312
Geschäftsführung/Management Board:

Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Edwin Jettinger

Imprint / Data protection

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