Extended Paper
Trade Fair Display
Involved People
Prof. Erich Schöls
Dipl. Des. Sebastian Gläser M.A.
Manuel Michel M.A.
Stefan Wagner M.A.
Marc Nonnenmacher M.A.
Dipl. Des. Christiane Keller M.A.
Design + Systeme expanded an existing product catalogue to include an augmented reality function that visualises parts and components in 3D and interactively explains their functions.
Users can call up augmented product simulations, exploded views and additional information directly from the catalogue. The application combines the haptics of a printed medium with the possibilities of virtual simulation.
The three-dimensional system parts are rendered in real time based on prepared CAD data and supplemented process simulations. Invisible processes within the machines are visualised through transparent representations and exploded views. Different views and functions can be dynamically controlled by rotating or moving the printed reference in front of the camera.
A company in the Steinbeis Transfer GmbH network
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97072 Würzburg
Fon: +49 (0)931.784 710 51
Fax: +49 (0)931.784 710 53
Email: info@designandsystems.de
Institute management
Professor Erich Schoels
Dipl. des. Sebastian Gläser M.A.
Steinbeis Transfer GmbH
Adornostraße 8
70599 Stuttgart
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart
Registergericht: Stuttgart HRB 25312
Geschäftsführung/Management Board:
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Edwin Jettinger