Wine Label Generator
Vineum Meersburg
Content Design
Involved People
Prof. Erich Schöls
Dipl. Des. Sebastian Gläser M.A.
Manuel Michel M.A.
Evelyn Heim M.A.
Dipl. Des. Christiane Keller M.A.
The label generator creates individual wine labels at the touch of a button - based on entered text modules, images and colour and proportion rules.
Algorithms are playing an increasingly important role in design and architectural processes. The principle of parametric design enables an almost unlimited variety of designs through systematic calculations.
We developed an interactive installation for the Vineum in Meersburg in collaboration with Prof. Uli Braun. Visitors enter a label name at a terminal, whereupon the generator creates twelve different variants.
With an individual text of their choice, a unique wine label with a favourite motif is created - which can be printed out directly at the museum ticket desk.
A company in the Steinbeis Transfer GmbH network
Friedenstrasse 5
97072 Würzburg
Fon: +49 (0)931.784 710 51
Fax: +49 (0)931.784 710 53
Institute management
Professor Erich Schoels
Dipl. des. Sebastian Gläser M.A.
Steinbeis Transfer GmbH
Adornostraße 8
70599 Stuttgart
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart
Registergericht: Stuttgart HRB 25312
Geschäftsführung/Management Board:
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Edwin Jettinger